Yes, of course matter. I ask because hormones ruled my emotions not vice versa.

Before a menstrual cycle, people would tell me to smile. Someone took a picture and I saw the misery on my face. There was nothing in my life to be miserable about. I had no negative thoughts 💭. Yet, my body was saying I am miserable.

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Hmm, I have too little information, but based on what you have said, it may be an imbalance of the second energy center and possibly the fourth. You can answer a couple of questions with Yes or No, so it will be clearer if this is what we are talking about.

1. Do you have a problem with earning money?

2. Do you feel guilty about something 3. Do you feel supported?

4. Do you easily receive (whatever)?

5. Do you give easily?

6. Do you feel you deserve what you want?

7. Do you have a problem with saving money?

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Really like: Emotion = energy in motion! I often write eMotion.

Also appreciate, matter/ behavior, energy/ emotion and meaning/ thinking 💭.

Question 🙋🏻‍♀️, where do hormones fit???

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Thank you so much, Nature!

Hormones are part of physiology and, therefore, matter. They are the part of matter that is most directly influenced by emotions.

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This is a really interesting article and very helpful in considering how you help work colleagues to change their behaviour - which is actually more damaging to themselves than it is to everyone else.

Also very helpful in considering the third layer of my definition of self-aware leadership: 'regulation of behaviour'. It's not just about acting differently, you need to really think and feel differently too....

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Thank you very much, Dr. Nia, for your comment! It is very important to me that you understand my attitude and intention.

I really appreciate your support! Thanks again!

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Deed-New Word-New Thought

We are taught not to act without thinking but sometimes a spontaneous action can lead to new thoughts :)

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Exactly! And those are great moments! Spontaneous action requires us to be relaxed, so it can bring us thoughts that open up new horizons. Basically, how we feel is crucial.

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Hi Mladena, it's interesting how you talked about being good at solving problems, but not considering how your behavior can put you in a position where you are always dealing with the same problem over and over again. It seems like you can fool yourself into thinking everything is fine if you can deal with the repeated problems, when it would make more sense to change the underlying behavior that's leading to the problems in the first place. Something to think about, thank you!

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You're welcome, Mack. Thank you!

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I would love to read more like this. I have observed this in myself and in our culture and you worded it so expensively and interestingly. Thank you.

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Thank you very much! I'm thrilled that you like my worldview and writing style. Stay with me; next Friday is the continuation.

Feel free to write if you have a question for the Q&A Tuesday edition.

Thank you again, I appreciate your support!

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