Welcome to the first day of The Change of Rules challenge
I created these five days of challenges to be transformative and informative.
So, more is needed to read and understand how things work to get your desired results.
Information is not a transformation. The implementation makes the difference.
The very idea of energy working may be strange to some people; it does not seem usual or normal to them. However, the idea is not that we are normal (whatever that word means) but that we will be phenomenal.
These exercises are incredibly simple. Don't let that confuse you. We live in a world where people overcomplicate things out of ignorance, thinking they add value. That is entirely wrong. All the essentials are simple and effortless.
Drinking water before and after each energy work is essential.
You can do the exercise with your eyes open or closed. Closing your eyes while doing this exercise will help you feel more connected to the body.
You can say the text of the exercise to yourself or out loud. A word spoken aloud has more power.
Today we will open up to much more, more aligned, and easier!
For today, I prepared tapping exercises on the second meridian located outside the palm. This meridian is associated with beliefs about money, self-worth, abundance, ease, and enjoyment.
It doesn't matter which hand you are tapping. Tap gently with the fingertips of the other hand.
Meridians are energy flows that allow us to intelligently direct energy to work for us. They are responsible for establishing vitality and balance in our bodies. Therefore, any meridian exercise helps to revive the connection between Mind and Body.
You can have brilliant ideas or great wishes, but if your body isn't ready to turn them into reality, it won't happen.
It's like having a massive fleet of planes but no airport. You can't take off!
Your body is the airport for all your desires, ideas, and intentions.
Today, you will do an energy exercise to help you discover the INITIAL ENERGY from which anything starts. This exercise will also help you escape the cramp and become more at ease.
You will feel what it looks like to be in tune with your heart's desires.
Drink the water, and you can begin tapping gently on the second meridian.
While gently tapping,
Close your eyes and relax your body,
Gently inhale the bright orange color into all the cells of your body,
Hold your breath for a few moments, and
Slowly (twice as long as the inhale) exhale everything you no longer need—all the obligations, all the hustle and bustle, all having to, all should, all the stress and worry.
You can repeat this a few times until you feel your body has relaxed.
Keep tapping and summon something that makes you feel GRATEFUL about this moment. It could be a comfortable chair you are sitting on, something that makes you feel beautiful, what you are wearing, a pleasant smell you smell, something that is your immediate experience in the present moment, something that you can feel in your body.
With this tapping, you might feel that some part of your body relaxes and that you already feel more beautiful.
Now, you can stop tapping, place your palms on your thighs, turn them up, and just be aware of how you feel.
Gently rub your palms together, refresh your eyes and face with your palms, and then open your eyes.
What did you do?
The point of this exercise is to connect with the body, get out "of the head," go down into the body, into the unconscious part of the mind, and feel gratitude.
Gratitude is not a thought; it is a feeling.
Creating from a sense of gratitude sends out the energy of possession, not scarcity. You remember that "Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance...." You can read more about it in the text "Is your energy working against you?"
It is imperative to understand that the initial energy from which we start anything is the energy we will have when we arrive where we started.
The initial energy is the energy you have when you post your text, when you want to find a new apartment, a new house, a new job, a partner, or whatever you are starting.
It is the energy you have at the moment when you release your desire or intention, make a decision, or start taking action.
If that initial energy is from struggle, spasms, or having to, it will be very challenging when you get there.
You may have heard people talk about how they wanted something and worked for it, and when they got their result, the feeling was not what they thought it would be. It wasn't because they incorporated “hard” energy into the seed form that awaited them at the finish line.
It's like when you plant a walnut tree. When the tree grows and begins to bear fruit, don't expect plums; you have planted a walnut.
But if you first get out of all the obligations, needs, and even from the projection of desires, you actually get out of the spasm and enter a greater flow, gratitude, and ease.
That energy itself will give you the courage to put a smile on your face, to start doing things with a smile on your face, and to recognize those true desires.
That feeling of relaxation, joy, and gratitude is the foundation that is the healthy basis for realizing your true desires and intentions.
The first step in living a Wealthier Lifestyle is increasing financial abundance. There is really no point in increasing financial abundance at the expense of not having time with loved ones or children or at the expense of our health or any spasm in the body. That is why we are starting to work properly from the start.
You can repeat this exercise several times until the day. If you have any insights or aha moments during the exercise, write them down in your journal.
Tomorrow, we will discuss how to make those wishes come true, what stands in our way, and how to remove those obstacles. Let's hang out tomorrow!
You can share your experiences, insights, and aha moments or ask a question in the comments or on the chat.
We continue tomorrow!✨
This is incredible expansive thought which everyone should digest and incorporate in there life. This is powerful and compelling.