Hey Mladena, I love this post! I didn’t know how commoner these approaches were until I read this! I resonate with this because I’ve done most of these approaches (except for the professional help one) and realized that problem solving is more so about being proactive than reactive. Sure, I read tons of self-help books, but none of it would have mattered if I didn’t apply the information, like you said, into my daily life and be honest with myself to see my problems and not run from them. Thank you so much for posting this! Your newsletter is awesome by the way! Just subscribed! :)

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Thank you so much, dear Khadejah, for your kind words and subscribing.

Support means a lot to me!

Well done for the implementation! Information is not enough for transformation; implementation is necessary!

Big hug

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You’re very welcome Mladena! Keep up the great work! :)

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Hi Mladena, I love what you said about dealing with the core issue that’s forcing the undesirable behavior. Looking forward to the follow up next Friday!

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Dear Khedejah, thank you very much for your kind words and subscription. That kind of support really means a lot to me! I am happy that you recognized your value in my texts.

BTW, check out "The Game Changer." I have prepared precious material and put it to give quick and concrete results.

Enjoy! I wish you all the best!!!

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Mack, I'm so happy you like the text. Yes, this was a gentle introduction; we will dive deeper starting next Friday...

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