Welcome to the fourth day of The Change of the Rules challenge!
Today, we are talking about what actually blocks and activates the energy of money and abundance.
Although we perceive money as something very concrete, solid, and material, the energy of money is actually driven by what is inside you: your desires, your vision, your trust that those desires are okay, your trust that these desires are possible, that this vision of yours, that you feel and want, that you see, is something that is real and that is possible.
That spirit drives the energy of money, the energy that loves when there is desire, the energy that loves when there is purpose.
The most common mistake is trying to make a big "out of small."
This is not possible, but it is understandable why it happens. When a person has a desire, regardless of whether, at the same time, there is a problem that that desire has not already been fulfilled, a person feels a not having and deficiency. It feels small compared to desire. His shoulders rise, he "freezes" in the solar plexus, his breathing becomes shallow... he is all in a spasm. There is no technique, plan, or way to make something big, quality, and joyful out of that cramp.
That's why we're going to reverse the math.
We will go into the big, into our vision, feel how we feel when our desire is already realized, and from there, we will manifest it. We will be greater than our desire. We easily manifest what we want when we bring ourselves into that energy state.
First, we will enter the big one, then very easily and quickly create a small one from the big one.
As you tap on the second meridian, ask yourself the following questions:
What would your life look like now that you got what you want?
Feel what you wish you already had. How are you feeling?
I invite you to tap on the second meridian (uncross your legs) and become aware that you are not getting what you want but what you believe to be true.
We get what we are an energy couple for, a vibratory couple.
And what we are a vibratory match for is what matches the energy of our emotions. This is what we are vibrationally tuned to.
So now, just gently relax and find some part in the relaxed lower abdomen area.
We breathe in the energy of abundance and exhale gratitude because everything is going so easily for us.
And at this moment, let's feel what you really want in your heart and soul. You want that because it is part of your purpose, without any grand thoughts and philosophy. What is it that you really want?
It is essential to understand that continuing to vibrate with this for at least one minute will create one big field in which you will allow things to come easily to you.
Why do you need to live in this abundance?
Another issue that can block energy is feeling selfish, that everything is just for us. So, the important question that you will tap on the second meridian is, "Why is it necessary for you to live in that abundance? So, what is it that you contribute to the world?"
It would be best if you did not chase after money but from that inner part, from purpose, from joy. When we are in that energy, we can give the world what we are "here" for. When we are joyful, full of energy, and full of creativity, we can provide the best of ourselves to people. What will you give to other people in all areas of your life?
What is a hidden desire that you do not allow yourself?
Sometimes, we enter into a minor or significant comparison, which saps our energy. Then, we need to tap into second meridian and discover our inner truth, a hidden desire we don't allow ourselves.
It's great to sometimes recognize the energy of comparison and some of the pain that comes with it because it's great to see your hidden desire underneath this feeling.
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We continue our challenge tomorrow!
I look forward to your comments on how you enjoyed today's challenge!